Boiler Maintenance Tips
Jun 2020, HVAC Installation

The Only Boiler Maintenance Tips You’ll Ever Need

Boilers add to the comfort of your home—they provide you with hot water supply and keep your home warm in cold season.

Regular boiler maintenance is necessary if you wish to keep your boiler efficient at all times. Even though we recommend you take the help of a professional to maintain your boiler, there are a few things you can do yourself.

Here are a few tips on maintaining your boiler that will boost its efficiency and keep it working in optimal conditions.

Clear Out Air Flues And Vents

If you have a gas boiler, you should keep inspecting its air flues and vents. Over time, dirt and grime may accumulate in the vents and block the necessary air passage. This blockage causes significant strain on the boiler as now it has to work with more force because of the blockage.

Therefore, when maintaining your boiler at home, clear out the vents and flues periodically of dirt and grime for optimal working of the boiler.

Check The Water Level

Adequate water level in the boiler is another factor that keeps it working in optimal conditions. We recommend checking the water level in your boiler every fortnight or so. A boiler that is running on low water levels may cause damage to the boiler. Moreover, there may even be an accident if the water level is not adequate.

Therefore, keep the water level in check and make sure that when you do, the pilot light is on. If the water level is below minimum, get the help of a professional to look into the matter.

De-Scale Your Boiler

Now, this tip may not apply to everyone, but in case there is a hard water problem in your area, you should check your boiler for lime-scale accumulation.

A boiler that has lime-scale on it won’t work properly to keep your home warm. You would need to de-scale your boiler to remove the lime-scale so that it works optimally.

Leaks In The Boiler

You have to be careful with this one! In case you suspect fuel or gas leaks in the boiler valves, get in touch with a professional right away to fix the issue. Ignoring leaks can endanger you and your family and may lead to accidents.

Lubricate Mechanical Systems

Lubricating mechanical systems in the boiler is part of every routine maintenance. As your boiler ages, its mechanical systems lose their lubrication and are subjected to wear and tear because of friction. Therefore, you would have to manually lubricate mechanical systems to reduce friction between them and subsequently, the wear and tear.


Boiler Maintenance NJ is a part of every household’s routine maintenance. Regular maintenance of your boiler helps to keep it in good running condition and saves you significant repair and energy costs. Speaking of energy costs, check out our blog on how to reduce your HVAC energy consumption for some handy tips and tricks!

If you’re facing difficulty maintaining your boiler on your own, we’re just one call away!

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