Nov 2020, HVAC Maintenance

HVAC Maintenance Checklist For The Holidays

With holidays approaching fast, now is the time to start planning your home for the intensive use that lies ahead. Winter brings colder weather, seasonal festivities, long nights, and other influences that put a lot of pressure on your system’s most critical homes. For much of PA and NJ areas, this means making sure your heater is ready to go.

Here are a few things you need to take care of in the HVAC department before the holidays.

Brush Away All The Dust

Brush Away All The Dust
Image Source: unsplash/Karim MANJRA

Dust builds up in your HVAC machine as rapidly and as reliably as it builds up on your worktops and final tables. Yet, unlike your countertops and end tables, you don’t see your heaters and air ducts on a daily basis, if you even see them inside, which undoubtedly means that they never get dusted. When you set the HVAC machine on a full throttle, all the dust inside your ducts will make its way through the filters and out into your house, making you and any visitors inside your home to be affected by unpleasant signs of allergy. You can help your family and friends breathe easier during the holidays by giving your ducts and vents a good wipe before turning on your machine and replacing worn filters with new ones.

Program The Thermostat

Program The Thermostat
Image Source: unsplash/Dan LeFebvre

The very worst thing you can do about your health and your wallet is to leave the heat blowing all day, regardless of the indoor weather. As preparation starts and as more visitors fill your house, the indoor temperature is likely to increase by 10 or perhaps even 20 degrees, if not more. You will counterbalance the rise in heat by scheduling your thermostat to switch off when the interior temperature exceeds 75 degrees.

Safety With Gas Furnaces

Safety With Gas Furnaces
Image Source: unsplash/Samuel Holt

If you’re using a gas-powered furnace, this also involves testing items like the gas burner, heat exchanger, and exhaust pipe, both of which are central to both effective functioning and protection for you and your house. Gas-powered furnaces contain carbon monoxide, odorless, colorless and tasteless, which is highly dangerous in high concentrations. Although your furnace is designed to treat this gas properly in a manner that is safe and secure, issues such as moved exhaust pipes, cracks in the air handlers, among many others, could lead to carbon monoxide leakage, and leakage could be dangerous to you and anyone else in your household. With an inspection, our knowledgeable team will make sure that you do not have any carbon monoxide hazards if you have a gas-burning furnace, and will also do repairs to plug those holes and keep your home safe.

Don’t Keep Flammable Items Near Vents

Don’t Keep Flammable Items Near Vents
Image Source: unsplash/J.M. Einar

This might not be a biggie, but you’d be shocked how many house fires are sparked every year because of a Christmas tree too close to a fireplace, otherwise you’d be trapped in the boiler. Before the weather gets worse, take the time to move all chairs, draperies and other combustible objects away from electricity sources. You must also be aware of pets and young kids who may take comfort in throwing flammable objects into the ducts against your knowledge.

Schedule An HVAC Maintenance With Us!

You may not be able to find out if you’re HVAC is in need of a maintenance. However, to be on the safe side, we highly recommend getting an HVAC Maintenance PA with AAC Heating and Cooling Services so that you may rest assured during the holidays and enjoy with your loved ones!

Our team wishes you and your family a very warm and cozy holiday season!

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