Apr 2022, Air Conditioning

How to Keep Your Cool When Summers Get Hot

As the temperatures rise outside, the energy bills too. In the attempts to cool down ourselves and our homes, we end up using not only a lot of resources but finances too. Not to mention the strain it puts on our already precarious climate balance.

As we really can’t do without air conditioning, there must be some ways to keep the heat at bay without emptying our coffers?

Natural, low-cost, and energy-saving cooling tips are what you need to keep your energy consumption low and your bills at a minimum.

1. Shut Down Heat-Generating Devices

Any home appliances or electrical and electronic devices that you are not using should be turned off. These devices generate heat as a by-product. Incandescent light bulbs are a prime example. If you haven’t yet switched to LED lights or other energy-saving alternatives, shutting down these devices and equipment when not in use will ensure no extra heat is generated within the house.

2. Install Curtains, Drapes, And Shades

If you have any windows or doors that open toward the sun, installing light-blocking shades can be a game-changer. These shades not only deflect the sunlight, preventing your house from getting warmer as the sun gets higher, but they also block glares and brightness that increase the appearance of a warm space.

If you can’t do light-blocking shades, thicker drapes and curtains will do just fine.

3. Start Your Fan Club

The more reliant we become on air conditioning, the more we forget how effective well-placed fans can be. And we’re talking about both ceiling and bracket fans. Combined, they do a fantastic job of keeping the temperatures down around your house.

A window-mounted fan that’s placed around the shady side of your home is perfect for drawing cooler air in. Ceiling fans that move counter-clockwise are also effective as they push the warm air down and allow the space for cooler air to come up. Using a ceiling fan when your AC is running is again a great way to circulate that cool air around the house.

4. Seal Air Leaks And Insulate Your Home

Before the summer months arrive, inspect your home for any air leaks or drafts that could make it difficult for your AC system to maintain a consistent temperature around the house. With any potential air leaks, your AC has to work more than its capacity to try to main a cool temperature. When you insulate your house against these leaks and drafts you seal the cool air in and block the pathways of warm air to crawl inside.

Your Cool When Summers Get Hot
Image Source: Pexels/Pixabay

Spray form, caulk, and weather-stripping are some of the most common ways to seal lakes, holes, and cracks around your doors, windows, attic, and anywhere else.

If you can afford the cost, professional insulation will also help you maintain a comfortable and consistent temperature within the house all year round.

5. Keep Your AC Well-Maintained

Regular maintenance of your air conditioning will help it run to its optimum no matter the weather conditions. Before seasonal changes, call your AC guy in to come and take a look at the equipment to ensure it’ll run smoothly for the whole season without any breakdowns. Additionally, investing in a central AC unit is far better in terms of energy bills and cooler homes than installing multiple window units around different rooms.

You can do your part in Residential Air Conditioning Maintenance NJ by regularly cleaning its filters and changing them periodically. With a dirty air filter system in place, your AC’s throw and airflow may become compromised.

6. Have Lots Of Plants Around

While house plants are not as effective as proper green architecture in significantly reducing the heat around an area, some indoor plants help bring the temperature down when it gets too hot.

Aloe Vera, Snake Plant, Boston Fern, Money Plant, etc. are some of the best indoor plants that experts recommend for great air quality, optimum humidity level, and cooler temperatures inside the house.

If you have the space and a green thumb, you can also erect vertical gardens in different areas of your house. Plenty of greenery not only improves the aesthetics and décor of the house but is great for bringing down the temperature too.

7. Set The Thermostat To 1oc Higher

This is an important one to note as it won’t cost you anything and can make a whole lot of difference. The recommended temperature to set your thermostat to is between 24-27oC. But if you can manage, try setting it to just a single degree higher than you normally do. Especially if you remain under the 26oC range.

Even this simple difference can bring your energy costs down to 10% and improve your unit’s efficiency drastically.

8. Open Your House Up In The Evening

When the sun goes down, open up your doors and windows and let the air circulate before you close shop for the night. Evening breezes are always cooler and letting some fresh air in after being holed up inside for hours will do you and your house a world of good.

9. Wear Breathable Fabric

When it gets really hot and you want to save on electricity bills, wear cotton and other lightweight fabrics that let the air through the material, drying up the sweat and keeping things light. Loose and light clothing make an actual difference in keeping you even-tempered when things outside get hot.

In addition to clothing, use cotton in your bedding too. Cotton bed sheets help keep the mattress comfy and cool when you hit the pillow at the end of a hot, sweltering day.

10. Finish The Household Chores Early

No matter how warm the weather gets, early and midmornings are heavenly cooler than when the sun gets high on the equator.

Therefore, use these timings to do your laundry, kitchen, and vacuuming. Cook your meals before the day has a chance to get hot. Similarly, load up the laundry and clean up the house early in the day so you can rest and take it easy when sunlight starts pouring in.

Nightly BBQs are a great way to have some fun while also doing the meal during the colder time of the day.


In addition to these simple fixtures, you can also take cold showers, and use ice packs, damp clothes, and spray bottles to breathe a little better in stuffy environments. Drink plenty of fluids, ice water, and cold juices to keep you fresh and hydrated. Using energy-saving appliances and electricity fixtures around the house not only reduces the energy costs but also avoids the heat byproduct that the regular devices emit.

If you can afford the cost, cooling paints are the newest thing on the market that’ll keep your house cooler when you don’t want to switch on the AC.

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