Water Heater
May 2024, HVAC Maintenance

How to Maintain Your Water Heater for Maximum Efficiency

Water heaters, also known as hot water tanks, convert energy into heat and make your water hot for use in your house. You get the idea how crucial water heaters are – they are your lifesavers, especially in Mid-Atlantic States where low temperature is always the case. If water heaters are well-looked-after, they will ensure a stable supply of hot water. You will reap benefits like energy optimization and lifespan extension of the unit.

In the United States, the majority of water heaters are insulated tanks that store your hot water. The sizes of these tanks vary a lot, storing between 20 and 80 gallons. It goes without saying that the tank size of your water heater should only be enough for the number of people in your house. Less people means less size, and more people means more size. It is quite obvious.

Without further ado, allow us to guide you on the maintenance of your water heater.

Water Heater
Image Source: freepik.com/upklyak

Understand Your Water Heater

The type of water heater you own is important. Before you go on at your service provider company about the water not being adequately hot, check the type of water heater you have.

There are generally two types of water heaters:

1. Tank Style

This tank stores and heats a large volume of water. A tank-style water heater is a modern-day invention which enables you set ideal temperature and store the water. Look for leaks, rust and any other visible signs of wear and tear.

2. Tankless

A tankless water heater heats water on demand. In other words, it gives a continuous supply and does not necessitate storage. Search for leaks and double-check your ventilation.

Regular Inspection

A regular and visual inspection is necessary. Conduct such inspections at least once a month to maximize maintenance and preservation.

Following are the things you need to inspect:


The process of leaking out slowly is what we call seepage. Look around the base and connections for signs of water.


A state of deterioration in metals caused by oxidation or chemical action is what we call corrosion. To prevent corrosion from taking place in your water heater, inspect your piping. Try to find rust or discoloration on the exterior of your tank and connected pipes.

Gas Connection

If you have a gas water heater, make sure that your gas lines are secure and free from leaks.

Flush the Tank

Tank-style water heaters are often affected by sediment buildup. It seriously reduces efficiency and damages the unit over time. Thus, flushing the tank becomes essential.

Here’s what you are supposed to do:

Turn Off Your Heater

Switch off the power supply for electric heater or set the gas control to “pilot” for gas models.

Connect a Hose

Attach a garden hose to the drain valve at the bottom of the tank.

Drain the Tank

Open the valve and let the water flow out until it runs clear. Be careful though, the water will be heat.

Refill and Restart

Close the valve, remove the hose, and refill the tank. Turn the power or gas back on.

Check the Anode Rod

It is a metal rod which slopes downwards and reaches the center of your tank. Primarily derived from magnesium and aluminum, anode rod stands among one of the most integral elements of your water heater. The rod prevents tank corrosion by attracting corrosive elements (mainly minerals in the water). The goal is to corrode the anode rod instead of the interior of your tank.

Determine the accuracy, quality, and condition of your anode rode by doing the following:

Turn Off the Heater

Similar to flushing your tank, turn off the heater while you check your anode rod.

Locate the Rod

You can locate your rod at the top of the tank.

Look Into the Wear

Remove and examine the rod. If your rod is heavily corroded or less than ½ inch think, replace it immediately.

Note: If the water in use is soft, check the anode rod every two to three years. In case you have hot water, check your rod every year.

Test the Pressure Relief Valve

Over-pressurizing temperature leads to difficult situations. To avoid facing a difficult situation like this, test your pressure relief valve.

To test it, do the two things below:

Again, Turn Off Your Heater

By now, you must have realized the importance of safety measures. So, turn off your heater first.

Lift the Valve

Second, lift the valve’s lever to release water. If water fails to flow or does not stop when you release the lever, change your valve.

Insulate the Water and Pipes

As someone who has a water heater, you are encouraged by us to revolve around the idea of improving your machine’s efficiency. Insulating your water heater and the first few feet of hot water pipes does exactly that!

Tank-Style Heaters

Use a water heater insulation blanket. Remember to follow the manufacturer’s guidelines to avoid covering critical components like the thermostat or burner.


Insulate the first 6 feet of hot water pipes with foam pipe insulation.

Adjust the Temperature

The temperature on your thermostat has to be 120°F or 49°C. This temperature will help balance energy savings and sufficient hot water supply. Higher temperature results in scalds and more energy usage.

In Summary

Water heaters, good for retaining a consistent supply of hot water, are vital in regions with low temperature, such as the Mid-Atlantic States. Proper maintenance of water heaters ensures energy maximization and increases the unit’s lifetime. Most water heaters in the U.S. are shielded tanks carrying 20 to 80 gallons of water, with the tank size depending on household size.

There are two main types of water heaters, namely tank-style water heaters and tankless water heaters. The former stock and heat up a whole load of water, enabling you to set the best temperature and keep the hot water for use. The former heat water on demand without keeping it, providing a continuous hot water supply. Regularly check for leaks and ensure proper ventilation.

Then, from flushing the tank to adjusting the temperature, you guarantee your water heater remains productive, safe, and reliable.

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